Our Veterans Program

Understanding and addressing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in veterans has been an evolving journey. While the symptoms have long been recognized, our understanding of the underlying causes and effective treatments has advanced significantly. Today, we have a range of treatment options, including innovative neuroscience-based approaches, that hold promise in alleviating the often debilitating symptoms of PTSD. Our mission is to bring these cutting-edge techniques to veterans, incorporating them into a supportive and healing community environment, so that they can regain emotional balance and regulation, decrease heightened states of arousal, and reconnect with themselves and the world around them.

qEEG Brain Mapping

Quantitative Electroencephalography (qEEG) brain mapping is a tool that allows us to assess the electrical activity in the brain. It helps in identifying irregularities in brain function, which can contribute to PTSD symptoms. For example, brain maps reveal that people with PTSD exhibit excessive activation in the fear network of the brain.

Neurofeedback Therapy

Neurofeedback can re-train the brain to produce a calmer and less fearful state of mind. It can also help your brain to break free of the fear-driven loops individuals with PTSD may experience, along with constant flashbacks, extreme emotional reactions to neutral stimuli, and avoidance of people and places that might be triggering.